Welcome to MyTeslaPower

A must have for any Tesla owner

MyTesla Benefits

Here is what you get from using MyTeslaPower

Better Control

Custom events allow you to charge your car and powerwall easier than the Tesla app.

Improved Analytics

Understand your power usage with improved analytics, and visualise the true benefits.

Tariff Comparisons

Compare your energy consumption on a range of tariffs to make sure you are on the cheapest one.

MyTesla Features

Features to help you get the most out of your Powerwall when you use our systems.
Contact us for any feature suggestions.

Clear and improved analytics

  • See grid/solar/powerwall usage by day/month/year on
    on our easy to understand graphs and see how this usage
    compares to previous calendar usage.
  • Accurate cost of energy usage based on your current tariff.
  • Improved analytics of the total benefit from your
    solar panels and powerwall.
  • Ability to compare usage data against many other
    tariffs including Octopus Agile to see benefit of switching.
image of custom events on the MyTeslaPower dashboard

Powerwall control with custom events

  • Trigger charging and discharging of powerwall
    using time/energy/price of tarriff controls.
  • COMING SOON: Full AI managed events using weather
    and pricing data to maximise powerwall benefit.

Built for all energy tariffs including Agile

  • Automatically retrives daily Octopus Agile tariff
    information (i.e. every 30 minutes).
  • Can create event to automatically start charging battery
    whenever the price falls below your chosen threshold
  • Can also ensure that you have enough power during
    peak pricing of your tariff.
image of octopus energy graphic

MyTesla Story

My journey from panels to powerwalls to programming

In 2015, I installed 6KW worth of solar panels on my south facing roof. I did not install a battery because at the time it was very expensive for the amount of storage. In 2018, I installed a 12KW heat pump so my demand on electricity had increased significantly above what my panels could supply (particularly in winter) meaning fluctuations in electricity unit prices had an increased impact. Battery price vs storage have dramatically improved since then, so in 2022, I purchased my first Tesla Powerwall. I was very impressed with the technology however it was a big investment and I wanted to make sure I realised the full potential from my Powerwall in order to make the quickest return on my investment (particually with the fact there are numerous YouTube videos stating you can never make the price of a powerwall back).